Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Brownies Kukus

Brownies Kukus
namely cake with chocolate-based dough that is very abundant and rich taste, with the addition of chocolate cream between slice, increased the delicacy of this cake ^ _ ^
Diameters 22cm Rp 60.000,-
If you want to order, contact us at contact in bio ^_^

5 komentar:

  1. kak bisa cod daerah kartasura?

  2. bisa kak , kartasuranya daerah mana?? untuk kapan kak pesanannya??

  3. oh oke kak,, nanti alamat lengkapnya silahkan dikirim di salah satu contact yg tersedia ya kak ^_^
    trimakasi sudah memesan di ollshop kami ^_^



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